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The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren—A Synopsis (continued).

Chapter 15—Formed for God’s Family (pages 117-122)


In addition to the first purpose for man, that of pleasing God, the “second purpose” designated by God for every person is to be a proud member of God’s family, a relationship with God that He did not need but that He desires. Everyone is a creation of God, but not everyone is a child of God. Only by being born again (a spiritual birth from above) through faith in Christ does a person permanently become united with God’s family—a family relationship that is more important than one’s physical family because the physical family is temporary whereas God’s family is eternal.

Upon entering God’s family by the “new birth,” a person richly inherits an array of gifts, e.g., the family name, likeness, privileges, intimate access, eternal home, and more. The best comes after this physical life, where the child of God will inherit:

· A close, personal and continuous contact with God.

· A new and indestructible resurrected body—like Christ’s resurrected body.

· Freedom from all pain, death and suffering.

· Rewards and positions of service.

· An allocation of Christ’s glory.

The inheritance awaiting God’s children is indestructible and can never be terminated by either the person or God Himself. Because of this, Christians should be placing their priority on eternal matters rather than on the temporal things of this life.

Water baptism, a sacrament experienced and commanded by Jesus Christ, is God’s designated way for every child of God to proclaim (immediately testify) his inclusion in God’s family—to proudly declare through the symbolism of being immersed in the water that through faith he has died—separated—with/in Christ from his sinful condition and its condemnation; and by coming up out of the water that he has become a member of God’s family and the recipient of God’s eternal inheritance. It is a faith demonstration of the spiritual truth of his new birth in Christ and his inclusion in God’s family. As God is proud of each of His children, He would have each of them to be proud of Him by displaying their testimony through water baptism.


“You were formed for God’s family.” (pg. 117)

“When we place our faith in Christ, God becomes our Father, we become His children, other believers become our brothers and sisters, and the church becomes our spiritual family.” (pg. 118)

“The invitation to be part of God’s family is universal, but there is one condition: faith in Jesus.” (pg. 118)

“Your spiritual family is even more important than your physical family because it will last forever.” (pg. 118)

“Retirement is a short-sighted goal. You should be living in light of eternity.” (pg. 120)

“Baptism is not an optional ritual, to be delayed or postponed.” (pg. 120)

“Baptism is pregnant with meaning. Your baptism declares your faith, shares Christ’s burial and resurrection, symbolizes your death to your old life, and announces your new life in Christ. It is also a celebration of your inclusion in God’s family.” (pg. 120)

“Baptism doesn’t make you a member of God’s family, only faith in Christ does that. Baptism shows you are part of God’s family.” (pg. 120)

“You are a part of God’s family, and because Jesus makes you holy, God is proud of you! (pg. 121)

“Being included in God’s family is the highest honor and the greatest privilege you will ever receive. Nothing else comes close. Whenever you feel unimportant, unloved, or insecure, remember to whom you belong.” (pg. 121)


1 John 3:1; Ephesians 1:5; James 1:18; 1 Peter 1:3b; Romans 8:15, 16; Mark 8:34; Acts 2:21; Romans 10:13; 2 Peter 3:9; Galatians 3:26; Ephesians 3:14, 15; 1 John 3:1; Romans 8:29; Galatians 4:6, 7; Romans 5:2; 1 Corinthians 3:23; Ephesians 3:12; 1 Peter 1:3-5; Romans 8:17; Galatians 4:7b; Philippians 4:19; Ephesians 1:7; Romans 2:4; 9:23; 11:33; Ephesians 3:16; 2:4; 1:18b; 1 Thessalonians 5:10; 4:17; 1 John 3:2; 2 Corinthians 3:18; Revelation 21:4; Mark 8:41; 10:30; 1 Corinthians 3:8; Hebrews 10:35; Matthew 25:21, 23; Romans 8:17; Colossians 3:4; 2 Thessalonians 2:14; 2 Timothy 2:12; 1 Peter 5:1; 1:4; Colossians 3:23, 24a; Matthew 28:19; 1 Corinthians 12:13; Acts 2:41; 8:12, 13, 35-38; Hebrews 2:11; Matthew 12:49, 50.


In addition to pleasing God through worshiping God with and by one’s entire life, God would have each of His children to fully realize and take pride in being included in His spiritual family. The realization comes through familiarity with His Word, and the most immediate way of showing pride of the fact is by participating in water baptism. As a child of God and an integral and permanent part of His family, a Christian has a rich inheritance in glory (heaven). He therefore should live in accordance with this reality.